About fshade

Holistic living begins with knowing and accepting who we are (who are you). Protecting or limiting our vulnerability and enriching our body, spirit and mind. Follow me on Holisticlivingforyp.wordpress.com, as we attempt to unfold what it takes to live a healthy life starting from within. This is strictly a personal journey demanding sincerity and one hundred percent commitment.

No Matter How Far The Paths Diverge

The Better Man Project

To be with someone and be truly seen and heard is one of the greatest gifts of all. They understand on a deeper level what you’ve been through, who you are now and all you wish to become.⁠

They see the progression, the pain, the stories, the broken dreams, the will to fight on and the great ambitions that still exist. They understand you in a way that no words can describe. A true connection. ⁠

You’re never done. ⁠

There’s never a place that you reach when you are officially cooked. There’s always more to learn, understand, grow into and relearn. That’s the incredible thing about this journey. ⁠

It’s never-ending. It’s always unfolding. ⁠

So when you are being a bit hard on yourself for not being “there”…realize that place doesn’t exist. It’s never going to look exactly how you thought it would…

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Grow Where You are Planted

Created to Flourish

Everyone is born great (created in God’s image and likeness) irrespective of the world’s standards and measures of greatness. Look inwards to see and believe in what God has invested in you.

Victor not Victim

Joseph like all God’s children was born great, beloved son of his father. Unlike most, he was not afraid to see the vision of who he is created to be. As the saying goes, …… and life happens, he was deserted, despised, hated and alone at the bottom of the pit his brother threw him in (Genesis chapter 37-50).

While in prison for a crime he did not commit, his star finally shone, because he choose to use the talent God gave him, he eventually triumphed, and he rose to the highest seat of the land where nobody knew his parents (no cronies or godfather). Do not be tired of doing good or working hard, your reward is surely on its way (Galatians 6:9).

Food for thought

No matter your stage in life, do not be anxious or tired, continue growing where you are planted, distinguish yourself by  excellent service and patience.  You will move on to the next stage of your life and eventually become the head of your genre. In joseph’s case the prime minister of Egypt.


Dear Lord help me to invest MY TIME in living out who I AM.

“It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine” (Ezekiel 17:8).

thoughts that bring life

It's not really about me...

That one verse led me to others and different versions spoke even more. And then I had a LOT MORE TO THINK ON!

“Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?”
But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we takecaptiveevery thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5NIV

We have a lot of wisdom right in God’s Word on how to think, speak and react. If you’re like me – its not always at the forefront of thought.

Who are the people in your life that keep you grounded in God’s good ways?
How often do you turn to heaven’s wisdom before a response or action?
What type of situations bring reactions you don’t like?

Maybe these aren’t normal questions you would…

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Unshakable Hope

October is my favorite month of the year!

When I was a kid, October was my favorite month because my birthday is in October (5th), and it meant I’d be getting gifts and having cake and ice cream. What’s not to like?

As I grew older, the whole birthday thing became less and less important to me; especially after ALS took away my ability to eat the delicious carrot cake that Mary made me for my birthday. No ice cream needed with her carrot cake, just a good cup of coffee.

ALS has also made it difficult for people to buy me gifts for my birthday. Golf balls? No. ALS has taken away my ability to golf. Neckties? No. ALS has taken away my ability to work. A weekend away? No. ALS has taken away my ability to travel. On and on the list goes. ALS has turned me into…

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get ready

It's not really about me...

Atmosphere of Peace – oil and cold wax 16x16x2 panel

This week will be putting together art, words, ideas and preparing for the installation that is coming quickly. Already issues are trying to make things difficult, but flexibility and knowing God’s always there helps to keep the focus on what needs to come. Prayer and time with the Lord helps to keep the mind on what is true, noble, right, pure … what is excellent or praiseworthy! (Philippians 4:8)

I love how His word sustains, encourages and guides.

23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

25 “All this I have spoken while still…

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crossing the line

It's not really about me...

The Disciple – oil/cwm 16×20

In the midst of a busy season also brings what will be my biggest exhibition so far. Others may not realize it, but it’s intimidating and exhilarating at the same time.

Usually at the gallery I have 8-15 paintings. This will be close to 25 and include writings. I was also asked to speak which doesn’t seem as threatening as showing these more personal creations.

As I was asking the Lord what I might need to share in writing, a very strong message came.

“We all have a chicken line to cross.”

I laughed! God definitely has a sense of humor! I thought of this painting right away. The GOLD is waiting if we dare to take a step!

Ask the Lord today what line you need to cross.
It might be to see yourself as one who is already equipped and prepared.
It might…

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IS Suicide A Good Option?

Every living thing on earth has an expiration. There is a day approaching when each person who has read this blog will die. Your heart will cease to beat and your blood will cease to circulate through your body and your memory will be no more. Every baby born is born to die. The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride (Ecclesiastes 7:8).

So is suicide a mute point, since we all die anyway? Unfortunately, it is not. God creates every living thing on earth. While the function of sexual intercourse produces a baby, the life of the baby, the breathe of the baby, is given by God. He determines the sex, the intellect, the gifts, the socioeconomic background, the time in space, whether this century or the next. God made you for His pleasure and not your own. While God gives us…

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Facing our fears and shame

Real Rest is the Best

Fear and shame are like monsters under our bed.

Too often, these unwanted feelings remain repressed and buried in our subconscious.

As long as they remain hidden, they can exert power over our words and actions unconsciously.

But when we choose to face them, we begin to see them for what they are – illusion.

After all, fear is said to be False Evidence Appearing Real.

A notable shame researcher Dr Brene Brown said, “If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”

In this video, I share about how facing our fears and shame can be a form of psychotherapy, as we make the unconscious conscious and free ourselves from the power of these repressed emotions.

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Protecting my vibe

Real Rest is the Best

One of the hardest things to do perhaps is to love and accept ourselves and be gentle with ourselves and others at all times, as we live in constant interactions with society.

We are constantly being judged by others, no matter how well we conduct ourselves, how well we speak, how good our intentions are, how much we seek to improve or learn from our mistakes, etc.

If people judge us, perhaps it is because they haven’t learnt to love and accept themselves as they really are too. (The same goes for us, as we all are on a journey.)

Self-love and self-respect is so important that it requires practice on a constant basis, with the need for mindful breathing, for continual awareness.

How do I know when I haven’t really loved and accepted myself for who I really am fully?

When I fail to be gentle with myself because…

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Love and Peace

Love one another

Love one another

I learnt recently that a life style that eliminates hurt /harm to ones self or others banish fear and create love, peace and contentment within us and in those around us.

The positive energy resulting from this loving acceptance and peaceful coexistence, enables success in all areas of our lives..

Hurt and hate create a negative energy of fear which destroys love, produce torment and can eventually kill.

The Middle Wall of Partition

Free and Direct access to God

Free and Direct access to God

It is no news to state that organised religion of which the Christian church is one has become an obstruction to oneness with God. The church has become a wall of partition preventing believers from hearing directly from God and being one with themselves.

Much like materialism and consumerism, ruling gods of today’s empty world, the church has created its own gods of prosperity, fame and power. Church leaders/founders have made themselves deities and church members aspire to become as power as their leaders because, they have been taught that prosperity and easy life are signs of holiness.
No excuse people, we know from the bible that these practices are not peculiar to our generation, to be fore warned is to forearmed. Everyone’s relationship with God is personal and direct, our peace comes from knowing this. No other human or spirit is needed to maintain our access to God in any circumstance because Jesus Christ has secured our access once and for all on the cross at Calvary. Ephesian 2;13-14, 18-20.

If any man lack wisdom or is confused, he can go directly to God in prayer for guidance and strength for the way.James 1:5-8

Then why church? we are commanded also to fellowship with one another, to encourage, strengthen and help ourselves, bearing in mind that we are fellow citizens with the saints, no one is greater than the other irrespective of the work God has assigned them to do in the church, the leader is not necessarily more spiritual than the members of the congregation.
Believers are the cause of problems in organised religion, through faithlessness, laziness with studying God’s word and praying by themselves, Christians have given their power to greedy individuals who are doing business in the name of church. these individuals preach false religion, brain wash followers, use members to achieve their personal goals which ultimately is the devils mission – deception and destruction of mankind.
Like the Berean Christians we must receive the word with all readiness of mind, and search the scriptures daily, whether these things were so ( Acts 17:11). No body loves you more than you love yourself.


Wolves in Sheepskin

The ungodly (unbelievers) are people who walk according to

  • The course of this world
  • The prince of the power of the air
  • The spirit that now walketh in the children of disobedience.


BEWARE of people who go to church, call themselves christian and walk as unbelievers, because they are controlled by the rulers of darkness of this world. these so-called Christians are perpetuating spiritual wickedness (quality of being evil by nature and practice) and their lives demonstrate disobedience to the word of God.

To be warned is to be armed. we are to be discerning ( not judgmental), wise as serpents. and innocents as doves.


Too Many Worshipers But, Few Followers of God


Has salvation/justification earned through faith in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross made Christianity a cheesy, entertaining religion of automatic entitlement to personal desires?.

Christianity is not mainly entertainment, praise and worship services in the name of feeling good or reaching out to other (these are necessary too) but we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind after our initial encounter with God, by fervently studying the word, praying and representing our saviour in words, thoughts and deeds. The word of God is powerful, tearing asunder the hearts of men, transforming souls.  He puts in us both to will and do his good pleasure. We only need to submit to the Holy Spirit within us.

The letter below may be a simple act of love but, anything done in the name of our Lord is lifting him up in worship.

Continue reading

(517) – Take It From Someone Who Knows

The Better Man Project

Thera are so many things to be scared of in this life.

Yep. That about sums it up right?

At the same time, we know in our minds that we know that there are so many things to enjoy about the time we spend here. We see others who have achieved dreams, we look to the starts and wonder what is it like to fly among them, we see those in love and wonder how they did it. We wonder a lot. We what if a lot. We dream – and how could you not when you see what you want right in front of your eyes.

We have those moments when we close our eyes and  get goosebumps every time we think about opening them to the life we have dreamed of. That’s when you know you are really alive. When you are creating every moment of the day…

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Jealousy is the greatest of all evils, and the one which arouses the least pity in the person who causes it.
 François de la Rochefoucauld quotes (French classical author, leading exponent of the Maxime, 1613-1680)

Sad but true, in everyone’s life and especially within the family are killers of dreams and destiny. Those deeply jealous of us that they would do anything to destroy us.

This list includes; spouse,parent,colleague,neighbour,schoolmate,sibling,people personally know or unknown to you, the common factor with these people is their readiness to be used by the devil to prevent your independence, success in whatever you choose to do and ultimately what you were born to do.

One very good example is in Genesis; Joseph let his brothers into his dream(destiny) which was yet unclear to him, hoping to get some clarity and help, instead, his brothers became Jealous of his destiny  and chose to kill him, since no man can end the life of a child of God, they did the most they could, made his journey to greatness very difficult, in fact almost impossible.

As much as possible, we must keep our dreams/plans within, talk less, make God our primary companion through Prayers and Bible Studies. He is closer than we think

  • pray and plan with God
  • work like never before
  • Follow productive leads

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Personal Responsibility; it is entirely up to us to protect ourselves from Jealous people and relate with like-minded people. Do not accommodate ungodly people, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire.
 Solomon Ibn Gabirol ben Judah quotes (Spanish Jewish Leader, Poet and Philosopher, 1021-1058)

My Moment with Michelle: Why “No Answer” Is The Right Answer


I had a serendipitous moment with Michelle Obama last week — just a few days before her transcendent speech at the DNC.  The occasion was an interview with the First Couple by Lynn Sherr and Maggie Murphy in Parade, the supplement that shows up in many local Sunday papers.

I almost tossed the magazine aside, but I was drawn in by the radiant cover photo of a smiling Michelle and Barack snuggling on a couch in the White House Map Room, and what I found in this exchange midway through the Q-and-A was an almost spooky resonance with what we’ve been writing about these past four years.  More about that below, but first, check this:

This year, there is once again a conversation about the superwoman.” Can women have it all? Is that even the right question?
I think that question limits us as women. I work with…

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Why are you afraid?

Unshakable Hope

“And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!” He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” (Matt 8:24-:26) 

I suppose that even the most faith-filled Christian would experience some level of fear if they found themselves in a situation like the above. But I know that a doctor delivering news of a life-threatening diagnosis, a loss of a job and insensitive debt-collectors calling day-after-day, can instill that same kind of “Save us, Lord; we are perishing” fear.

Unfortunately, we don’t really know if we have genuine faith until that faith is tested. I believe this is the reason that Jesus allowed His disciples, and us, to go through so many of these nail-biting…

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Sit, Walk, Stand


This is the title of a book compiled from the spoken ministry of Mr. Watchman Nee; it gave me practical insight on how to rest on the Lord as his workman accomplishing his will peacefully.

The Bible says God choose us from the beginning, even before conception, while we were in our mother’s womb he know us.

While we were sinners his loved us and reconciled us to him through the blood of Jesus Christ his dear son. God gave us the Holy Spirit – the comforter, and our spirit bears witness with the Holy Spirit that we are children of God.

When we continually sit in the presence of the Lord represented by the indwelling Holy Spirit, we converse with him, he teaches us his will, (we express our doubts, weakness, failures, hopes, aspirations and rejoice in our success, strengths, friendship, families) daily. We arm our selves with what we hear from God either through the Holy Spirit, the Bible passages read during daily devotion or words from other children of God as we prepare to do his will. God leads us both to will and do his good wishes.

Well prepared with the spiritual weapons described in Ephesians 6: 10-18, and knowing that the purpose of God for the mission is to glorify his name and not for our personal gain (it is in pleasing God that we are fulfilled).Then continuing in his presence, we plunge into action by walking in his way.

When we walk on smooth ground he is with us , when we walk on rough road he is also with us, not loosing focus of the vision we got while we were yet seated in his presence , irrespective of what comes our way we press on to the finish line like true sports men. At the finish-line awaits every participant a reward according to their “walk” I would prefer to say not their “work” same meaning. using the recently concluded Olympics as an example, all contestants belong to the elite club of Olympians, all Olympians are celebrated by their countries but of course medallist who have overcome all odds are more celebrated.

More often than not, WE DO NOT SPEND ENOUGH TIME SITTING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD to know his will  and ourselves, this is a major cause of failure in the Christian race in this jet age, even when we know his will, WE DO NOT WAIT ON HIM before plunging into action, modern life presents so many easy ways of acting out and doing things, because, we anxiously want to be seen doing something, we do not arm ourselves adequately with the word of God nor do we wait for God’s time to execute his plan, When tough times comes we do not wait on him to rescue us, we think it’s easier to rationalise a way out and at the end we are never really out of trouble. If we are always connected to God we will “run and not be weary…walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31

We need to practice godliness in our daily walk. applying biblical principles in our relationships, both domestic and public life.

As Christians, challenges should be opportunities to demonstrate the power of God to our neighbors, husband, wife, parents, children, employers and employees. Ephesians 4

And after all these we stand, stand on his free salvation, the power of his name, his eternal presence and sure promises.

Christians who do not take time to seat, wait and stand in God’s presence often walk in vain. To ensure that in everything God is glorified, we must be that branch that is always attached to the vine.


Feminist in High Heels

Food for thought: Feminism and Fashion


I confess: I love shoes.  Especially when they’re high.  Until they wore out, my go-to faves were a pair of black leather ankle boots with dangerously high heels. They were actually pretty comfortable, but I would have worn them anyway because they looked damn good.

I’m also a feminist.

I bring this up because I often ponder the tension between feminism and fashion – the way fashion is often framed as a silly vanity, often driven by our need to please men, rather than ourselves. The trope popped into my noggin again this weekend, after I read a piece in Sunday’s New York Times that seemed to imply that women could be accomplished or fashionable, but rarely both.

The story cast a bemused eye on the new stylistas of Silicon Valley who were “bucking convention not only by being women in a male-dominated industry, but also by unabashedly embracing fashion.” …

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